Wheel Tracking in Worthing: Importance and Benefits

Wheel tracking is an essential service that involves the measurement of the rutting and deformation of asphalt and concrete pavements caused by repeated vehicle wheel loads. The process helps to evaluate the pavement’s structural integrity and determine the appropriate maintenance measures needed to maintain the pavement’s performance. wheel tracking in worthing offer reliable solutions to ensure that roads and pavements remain safe and functional.

What is Wheel Tracking?

Wheel tracking is a process that involves measuring the rut depth and deformation caused by a loaded wheel passing over a pavement surface. The procedure is conducted using a wheel tracking machine, which simulates the wheel load and movement to determine the pavement’s response.

Why is Wheel Tracking Important?

Wheel tracking is crucial in evaluating pavement performance and identifying structural problems before they become severe. The process helps to determine whether the pavement’s design is adequate for the traffic load, identify areas of weakness, and plan the appropriate maintenance and repair measures. Additionally, wheel tracking helps to evaluate the pavement’s skid resistance, which is essential for ensuring road safety.


  1. Improved Road Safety

Wheel tracking services help to evaluate the pavement’s skid resistance, which is crucial in ensuring road safety. By identifying areas with inadequate skid resistance, maintenance measures can be implemented to improve road safety.

  1. Increased Pavement Durability

Wheel tracking services help to evaluate the pavement’s structural integrity, identifying areas of weakness and recommending appropriate maintenance measures. By addressing these problems early, the pavement’s durability is increased, reducing the need for costly repairs.

  1. Cost-Effective

Wheel tracking services are cost-effective compared to other pavement maintenance measures. Furthermore, By identifying problems early, maintenance measures can be implemented at a lower cost than waiting for severe pavement damage.

  1. Environmental Benefits

Wheel tracking services help to reduce the amount of waste generated from pavement repairs. By identifying and addressing pavement problems early, repairs are done before the damage becomes severe, reducing the need for extensive repairs that generate more waste.


In conclusion, wheel tracking services in Worthing play a vital role in evaluating pavement performance and identifying structural problems before they become severe. Furthermore, The process helps to improve road safety, increase pavement durability, and provide cost-effective solutions to pavement maintenance. Additionally, wheel tracking services offer environmental benefits by reducing waste generated from pavement repairs. Overall, wheel tracking services in Worthing provide reliable solutions to ensure that roads and pavements remain safe and functional. Enhancing the overall quality of life for residents and visitors.